Law is complicated, because life is complicated. Your case may involve multiple areas of law, or even best handled outside the court system. In your free initial consultation, we will evaluate your case with an emphasis on getting you the best possible outcome.
Some areas of law we can help you with are:
Civil Litigation
Civil litigation is the process of taking a civil matter to court, or the appropriate judicial body. If a case is not criminal, it is civil.
The lawsuit is the most well known form of civil litigation.
Civil matters in Ontario are typically heard at the Superior Court of Justice, or the Small Claims Court for matters with damages less than $35,000. Matters may also be dealt with by specialized tribunals, such as the Landlord Tenant Board or the Human Rights Tribunal.
If you feel that some other individual or company has caused you damages and want to seek compensation, or someone is seeking compensation from you, it is likely a matter for civil litigation.
Wrongful Dismissal
A wrongful dismissal case arises when someone has been dismissed. The goal of a wrongful dismissal case is to recover amounts that individuals are entitled to – typically a number of weeks or months of wages.
When someone has been terminated, they are usually entitled to either a period of time of notice, or if no notice is given, pay for that period of notice. Employers will often only offer several weeks when the employee is entitled to months.
Employers also may find other ways to avoid paying notice. They may state they have cause when they don’t or it’s insufficient. They may try to suggest you aren’t an “employee”. They may even just hope you just quietly go away.
Personal Injury
Personal injury is a subcategory of civil litigation. The most common cases of personal injury are car accidents, and slip/trip and falls.
Broadly speaking, a personal injury case occurs when someone causes you harm through negligence or an intentional act. If this has happened, you can typically sue the wrongdoer for pain and suffering, lost income, expenses, and other damages.
*NOTE* If you are involved in a slip and fall on municipal property, the municipality must be notified within 10 days, or you may be barred from bringing a claim. Contact us immediately if you have fallen on a municipal property.
Long Term Disability
It is common to be denied long term disability, either from the outset or after a period of time, even when you should qualify. Often, the insurance company will tell you that you are able to work, when you really cant. Other times they will say that they do not have sufficient medical information.
Internal appeals rarely work, and may not be as effective without the assistance of a legal professional. If the internal appeal fails, the next step is to commence a lawsuit against the long term disability provider.
Estate Litigation
Estate litigation arises when an individual has passed away, and there is some dispute about that individual’s estates.
There may be issues of interpretation of the will, a challenge to the validity of the will, or issues with how the executor is handling the estate.